What is Neuromodulation?

By Amy Banks

Neuromodulation has been studied in various forms for decades resulting in a range of clinical therapies and emerging applications including transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) to name a few. We hope to answer some questions about neuromodulation here.

Tips for a healthy mind

By Amy Banks

We all struggle from time to time but there are lots of little things you can do to benefit your mental health and frame of mind.

Here are Magstim’s tips to look after your mental health and where to get advice and
support when you need it.

Treatment Resistant Depression

By Amy Banks

If you have depression but your medication
is not working or the side effects are
intolerable; you may have what is known as
treatment resistant depression.

Inside Magstim

By Amy Banks

Take a look inside Magstim. At Magstim, we believe in developing cost-effective, innovative TMS solutions, enabling ground breaking neuroscience research & TMS Therapy. Dr. M. Polson gives us a look inside Magstim and the story of TMS therapy. Neuromodulation Research Magstim TMS Therapy The Brains Behind TMS™ Versatile TMS Solutions Trusted Worldwide Enhanced Clinic Support … Continued

Setting up a TMS Clinic

By Amy Banks

We spoke to our UK Sales Manager Andrew Dixon, who works with clinics to help them get established, to get his top tips for setting up a TMS clinic:

What Happens during a TMS treatment?

By Amy Banks

It’s one of the most common questions we get asked. Patients want to know what will happen before, during and after a TMS treatment. Your TMS provider will talk you through what to expect in detail before you start but here is our quick step-by-step guide on what a typical therapy session is like.